Fair Warning: I’m writing this post to relate with the reader and for them to learn about my personal connection and journey with crystals. That being said, I'll get more specific and share fun crystal tidbits and tips in future blogs...which I promise won't be as long as this one!

Let me first introduce myself. My name is Kim and I'm a Midwest girl born and raised in the iconic city of Chicago. I'm proud of my Chi-town roots and when people ask me where I'm from they usually feel excitement (mainly about the deep-dish pizza) or apprehension (feeling the need to point out the crime rate). What can I say, living in this fast-paced and insanely energetic city full of cultural gems itself has most definitely fueled my quest for calming crystals! Perhaps it's why I'm so addicted to crystals. Hey, there are worse things! I'm not ashamed of it. I'm an Amethyst-Addict. Do they have AA classes for this?
Seriously, I love all things crystal. I've had a love affair with these luminescent rockstars for...well...EVVVVER! I can't even remember a time when I wasn't OBSESSED with them. I honestly feel like I have clear quartz (and Cubbie blue) pulsing through my veins. I really don't know when my fascination for these fine specimens began, but crystals are like my kryptonite - they're my weakness and superpower at the same time. Little did I know these loyal little lightworkers were not only following me along my path but actually paving the very one leading me to my destiny!
So back to when it began for me. My whole life I've been drawn to them. I guess, my first real memory was when I was 4 or 5 yrs old on vacation spending hours on the beach digging for something fancier than seashells looking for the pearl inside that one oyster. Today, I can't even walk past a crystal shop without going inside - I mean, just take my money! Who can resist the temptation of digging through those barrels of rocks looking for new shiny happy friends to take home with them?! I've made it a back-to-school tradition with my 3 children and till this day - whether I'm sending my youngest off to 1st grade or my oldest off to college (sigh!) - every single school year starts with a new pocket stone or some piece of crystal jewelry that will give them clarity, peace, luck or whatever the stone they pick out means for them in the new school year.
Using crystals has always found a place in my work life too. When I started out in Corporate America, working for a major phone company, and had to give presentations to CEOs and executives, instead of squeezing a paperclip to manage my public speaking anxiety I'd be grasping tight onto my clear quartz crystal! Or when I went out on a first date, I'd tuck a rose quartz crystal in my bra for its soothing energy near my heart chakra.
Then after being married, having kids and leaving my 9-5 to raise them, I was still driven to hustle (honestly it was more about the sanity than money). So, as many stay-at-home moms do, I took up the flexible profession of real estate. I found when I was either selling a home or working with a buyer, I was so distracted by the energy of the home. I could feel the soul of it - if it was a happy home or a sad one. If I could only get my hands on the home and clear the space of its dense energy - whitewash it with a fresh coat of "energy paint" so to speak. Yes, the home has to be visually appealing, but I couldn't ignore that it needed to be energetically appealing too! The inhabitants of a space leave behind a residue of what their living - be it happy from a new addition to the family or sad from the loss of a loved one or a divorce. Everything in life is energy and, whether you consciously realize it or not, it lingers - and you sense it - which is why you have a gut feeling on a house or a person, etc.
So, I started staging every home I listed for sale and my passion grew to include others on the market too. I just wanted so bad to help these poor stale homes - and their frustrated homeowners - that I made a career out of it. And through my decluttering efforts, color consultation, furniture placement, and use of crystals to clear the space I was able to create a new "Chi" or Life-Force energy flow in the home.
Homes that were sitting on the market for 5 years (with teal carpet and pink puffy balloon valences from the 80's) started selling within days and weeks of me staging them! Sure, I improved the visual appeal of the home, but the home appealed to ALL the buyers' senses including their 6th sense - the one that speaks to your soul and says, "this one feels like home." And I did it through the use of Feng Shui principles and healing crystal Chi-energy. For instance, the front door is an important place when it comes to welcoming new energy and opportunities, so I'd place crystals anywhere in the home's entry way. I'd find a place like an orchid arrangement to place a citrine or amethyst crystal to invite more abundance into the home which usually resulted in the home selling for top dollar. Don't underestimate the energy-boosting qualities of a crystal in your home and personal life.
My staging career then evolved from staging for selling to staging for living. My clients found they loved the calming energy I created in the home they moved out of and wanted me to create that same feeling in the new home they were moving into. So, with usually a nicer budget to spend it was then that I could really expand my crystal-loving wings and incorporate the healing energy of crystals into their new space. By using crystals in the home, I elevated the energy of the space.
I had a client-turned-friend who had gone through a very ugly divorce; she was so distraught and very unsettled in her new home. By incorporating some Feng Shui techniques and using crystals around her home she started to feel a soothing energy she had never felt in any home before. I placed selenite wands on a stack of coffee table books in her family room, filled decorative bowls with raw rose quartz - the love crystal - as she loved the color pink (and not to mention wanted to find love again). We repainted an old buffet and switched the knobs out to crystal gemstone ones, and I designed floral arrangements with her favorite flowers and put crystals in them too. She felt an upliftment in her energy field due to the aura the crystals emanated. She'd become so in love with the energy in her new home that she never wanted to leave it! She would say, "You've ruined my love life because I love my house too much to leave it to meet him!" (Spoiler alert: she did attract new love within 2 months of the home makeover, so I'd like to say I waived my magic crystal wand and was an energy-match maker!)
When I saw how my clients' lives started to transform after doing my work that's when I got a flash of enlightenment (occupational hazard when you work with so many crystals) and thought, I wish there was an easy way to carry the healing energy of crystals all day when we're out and about in life. A way to hold onto their energy without even realizing it until we send out a signal so strong into the universe that we attract to us things that match the higher vibrations we feel because we're tuned into the crystal's energy all day. And then my idea for this new-life changing product was born - crystal phone grips! Since we carry our phones all day anyway, we can put a crystal on it so the phone is doing double-duty as a grip AND raises our vibration at the same time. From there I launched my brand and online crystal store - CRYSTALFY - with a mission to shift your vibration higher all through the healing powers of crystals. We started this business pre-pandemic - before COVID - before crystals exploded onto the binge scenes of Instagram, TikTok, WitchTok, you name it! Unlike other companies who are jumping on the crystal bandwagon to capitalize on the industry boom (due to pandemic-induced stress) we've been here long before doing it for the right reasons. It's not about the money for us.
I say, I don't sell crystals. I sell energy. I'm in the business of connecting the world with the beauty and healing powers of crystals. I wish to share my affection for them and love the thrill of educating people about them. My greatest high in this business is being able to source the best crystals from around the world and put them in the hands of my deserving customers. Many times, they are drawn to a particular crystal and don't know why, but when they find out the healing properties of the crystal, they are amazed that they needed that very healing in their life. It's the crystal that picks you so listen to your intuition when you are drawn to it because there's a deeper meaning why. And I JUST LOVE THAT! It's why I do this full-time now. It's that addicting Chi - that Life-Force energy - pumping through the veins of me, my Chicago-based business and my crystal-loving customers all over the world!
Thanks for taking time to read about my journey on the crystal paved path! Funny, how the universe works. I started out working for a major phone company and now I make crystals for phones (and other fun crystal products too!). That job that I wasn't passionate about somehow had a hand in leading me to my true passion. And that is how life works - all the twists, turns, roadblocks and detours really do lead you to your ultimate purpose in life. You just need to tune into that infinite knowing inside you - it's your higher-self speaking. We hope our crystals help facilitate your meeting of that wonderful part of you! I consider it a true privilege when our crystals get to witness the process of your evolution! We are all on this journey together and we know what you're searching for has been inside you all along. You are as unique and precious as that crystal you hold in your hand so shine as brilliantly as it does! And when you do, you know you've found YOUR Chi!
Gratefully (mwaaaaah! 😘),