You can choose your crystal by letting it choose you! This is the best way to choose a crystal. You will be intuitively attracted to a gemstone based on what you need at the moment. So, listen to your intuition when you are drawn to a particular one because it’s the crystal calling out to you! Each crystal has its own unique vibrational frequency and corresponding healing properties and purpose. Therefore, you can also pick a crystal that corresponds with the benefits you are seeking such as love, clarity and peace.
Crystals have an extraordinary ability to store, transmit and transform energy in the pursuit of wellness and spirituality. It will therefore pick up the energy of anyone who has handled it or from its environment. So, cleaning it is necessary because it removes any dense or stale energy. You should clean it before you use your crystal or at least once a week if you wear it or meditate with it daily. A crystal becomes personally attuned to you, so you want to avoid anyone else touching it and putting their vibration and energy on it.
Ways to cleanse your crystal:
Put your crystal in sunlight or moonlight for several hours to clear and its energy. You can do this on a windowsill overnight. Lunar energy helps charge the stone and is best when the moon’s light is brightest and energetically strongest during a full moon.
Place it near a clear quartz or selenite crystal which will naturally cleanse the crystal.
Burn sage and run the stone through the smoke to purify it.
Place them in the earth’s dirt to cleanse, charge and return to the vibration of the earth.
If the stone is left unused or stored away for a month it will naturally reboot its energy without the need to do any of the above cleansing methods.
Once your crystal has been cleansed it is ready to be programmed by you! Programing your crystal amplifies its energy. To do this, all you need to do is hold your crystal and set an intention. Tell it what you would like it to do for you. You can even place the crystal on your heart chakra as you do this. When you hold your crystal or place it on your chakra visualize a bright white light surrounding it and emanating out from it. State your intention for the crystal such as “this crystal will help me heal…or gain clarity…or find love…or give me confidence…or relieve my anxiety” or whatever intention you have for it in that moment.